Alex Perez – Yuck, Yuck, Yuck

By SuperSpy 

Alex Perez is billing himself as a spokesman for hire for any of your upcoming broadcast spots. His “resume” includes Hostess snacks, Kraft and Pepto-Bismal. Take one look at his site and you know it’s all a hoax. Yet, we’ve received this link enough times that we feel it is our duty to shine a little light on Perez once and for all. And no, we don’t think he’s funny.

Alex wants to be famous. That’s it folks. That’s his whole story and here we are giving him is 2 minutes. Enjoy it. Perez launched a series of cheese laden spoof videos during the writer’s strike in which, he offered to “save this industry if I have to write every film myself.” He’s got a buddy named Brian McGinn (though some people seem to think they’re the same person) and they make indy films.

No more sending this link to us, okay? We’re so done.

