AgencySpy Ruffles Feathers

By SpyWriter 

Matt posted last week about Publicis West losing their HP business and the effect it had on the shop. The loss off the business is hardly a compelling tale especially in the wake of recent agency losses. What has been interesting is the ripple effect of emails coming into AS regarding the post.

As indicated by Matt’s update, he got an email defending how strong Publicis West is going. And funnily enough we’ve received another email that says:


“Publicis West instructed people not to talk to AgencySpy if you call. Whoever sent you the update is also trying to cover the agency’s ass as some of the people who were just laid off this week were told it was due to the loss of HP business.”

Interesting. Just how bad must business be at Publicis West? They seem quite afraid that AgencySpy will out them.

The saga continues…
