Who Said ‘Yes,’ and Who Declined, a Media Cocktail Party With Hillary Clinton?

By Chris Ariens 

Just days before she announced her candidacy for president in April 2015, Hillary Clinton held an off-the-record event for members of the media in New York City. We know this because The Intercept got a hold of the invitation and RSVP list. It was part of documents they received from a source who goes by the name Guccifer 2.0 and who was also reportedly responsible for the hack of the Democratic National Committee.

The cocktail party was held at the Manhattan home of Joel Benenson on April 10, 2015, two days before Clinton announced her run. The documents reveal who RSVP’d ‘Yes,’ and who declined. Among them, many network TV news reporters and anchors:



Interestingly, CNN’s Jake Tapper was on the “declined” list. Late last week we also learned, via another document leak, that Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta doesn’t seem to like Tapper much:

(Image: via SNL)
