What Happens to Cable News Post-Election?

By SteveK 

The Hollywood Reporter’s Steven Zeitchik and Paul J. Gough look to the near-future about what will happen to cable news after Nov. 4.

“An election that lifts either the left or right to power will provide a boost to the network imbued with the ideology of the other side,” they write. “Given Obama’s lead at the polls, an MSNBC comeback — Olbermann’s ratings continue to be strong and Maddow’s upstart show is an unlikely second-place challenger to CNN’s Larry King — could stall if the Illinois senator ascends to the Oval Office.”

But CNN pundit and Hunter College professor Karen Hunter thinks the effect will come to all cablers. “A lot of people are going to suffer from withdrawal after the election,” she said. “What are people going to talk about after there’s no more campaigning?”


The article continues to discuss the affect of the election on Hollywood and comedy.
