TVNewser Heads to Denver

By SteveK 

TVNewser is en route to Denver at the moment, but we wanted to give you a preview of what to expect from our coverage for the next couple weeks. Look for the same type of “news about the news” coverage we always provide, except with some new features.

• We’ll be providing original video from the convention, through a program called Viddler. Sign up now or wait until you start seeing the embedded videos.

• We will be posting photos from the convention and surrounding events as much as possible on the blog, but head over to our special “convention” Flickr section of’s Flickr page for all the photos we take.


• Twittering will be constant. If you don’t follow us on Twitter, head over to to make that happen.

• As we have with our live blogs during primary nights, we’ll be using CoverItLive to provide special convention live chats, with some big names in TV news. Our first live chat participant will be FNC’s Greta Van Susteren, who will be answering your questions at 6:30pmET today tomorrow. You can send in questions to (try to keep them on the topic of convention coverage) with the subject line, “Live Chat.” Feel free to identify yourself so you know it’s your question being answered when the chat goes live. Of course, you should also come by TVNewser at 6:15pmET to start submitting questions for the live chat.

We’ve also got interviews with tvnewsers and behind-the-scenes posts lined up for each network.

Stay tuned.
