The Ticker: Iraq…Amanpour…Two D.C. Deaths

By Brian 

· “Fully 52% of [last] week’s newshole (ABC 52 min, CBS 47, NBC 47) was devoted to various strands of Iraq coverage,” Andrew Tyndall’s evening newscast report says.

· My new cousin FishBowlDC notes the passing of two D.C. media types: Former CBS Face The Nation host Bill Shadel and ABC News producer Leo Meidlinger.

· “Wasn’t there just an amazing election in Iraq?,” Robert asks. “In fact, the first free election in 50 years? I guess someone forgot to tell ABC, because they glossed over it and were on to the Michael Jackson story by 7:10 this morning.” Today and the Early Show also led with Iraq, but moved on to Jackson…

· On CBS’s 60 Minutes last night, “Yushchenko [told] his incredible story to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour,” on assignment for the CBS program. Amanpour works for CNN most of the time, so why did CBS get the exclusive?

· Shameless self-promotion: My interview with PRWeek…
