New York Times’ Thomas S. Friedman on CNN’s Anderson Cooper: ‘Too Good to Check’

By Molly Stark Dean 

The New York Times columnist Thomas S. Freidman wrote about CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an article titled, “Too Good to Check” referring to Cooper’s effort to fact check everything.

Friedman writes that Cooper “expertly deconstructed on his CNN show the bogus rumor that President Obama’s trip to Asia would cost $200 million a day.”

The Times columnist went so far as to say that Cooper’s fact-checking is crucial to a better informed electorate to strengthen this country’s democracy:


But the carnival barkers that so dominate our public debate today are not going away — and neither is the Internet. All you can hope is that more people will do what Cooper did — so when the next crazy lie races around the world, people’s first instinct will be to doubt it, not repeat it.
