Network Newsers Reflect on First 100 Days

By SteveK 

David Bauder of The Associated Press talks to a member of each network news organization about President Obama’s first 100 days and recent polls which look at how the current administration has been covered:

ABC World News EP Jon Banner: “My eyes are always open to everything, including studies like these. I do not program the news by studies or by anything else, for that matter. I program it by the news of the day and what our journalistic guts tell us.”

CBS Evening News EP Rick Kaplan: “Everybody, including Republicans, would have to say that his first 100 days have been great…Across his four years, or eight years, whatever it is, there will be plenty for people on all sides to not like or love. It will balance itself out inevitably.”


NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams: “It was historic. It has changed, fundamentally and forever, the poster of the presidents in front of the classroom. That accounts for the quantity of coverage, and we’re judged on the quality of the coverage every day, as it should be.”
