Jenna Wolfe on Life After Today: ‘Do Something Amazing, or Fail Epically’

By Mark Joyella 

When Jenna Wolfe announced in November she was leaving NBC after eight years at Today, she said her inspiration was not missing out on another great adventure, whatever that might be.

In an interview this week with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade, Wolfe concedes making the decision to walk away from Today was “extremely tough.” She also jokingly suggested that attending Matt Lauer’s Christmas parties had gotten a bit stale:

“How many times can I see the guy run around half naked and drunk? I have seen it a million times already. I mean please. No, I am just kidding,” she said, though Kilmeade asked her again just to make sure:


Kilmeade: You are kidding?

Wolfe: A little bit. So yeah, I packed up and left the Today Show and I don’t think many people will say that sentence in a very positive way and it was the greatest 8 years I ever had. But it was time for me to go out and see what I can do with this.

Wolfe says no matter what happens now, she’s going to “swing for the fences”:

You know what? Every once in a while, and maybe if you are lucky its twice in your life, life just drops a crossroads in your lap and you have an opportunity to do something or stay where you are and doing something can result in something amazing or you can fail epically but at least you have taken a chance and tried. If you get to the end of your life and took zero chances and never swung for the fences and you never once jumped out on a limb, ever, well, what did you do? It would be easy for me to stay, play it safe and get my salary and doing the same thing over and over again.
