Fox News Latino to Increase Video Production

By Merrill Knox 

fox news latino logoSince its launch more than three years ago, Fox News Latino has been one of Fox News’ steadily-growing brands. The site averaged 3.6 million page views and 1.1 million unique visitors in 2013, according to ComScore. In December, the site had 3.6 million page views and 1.4 million uniques, an increase of +40% and +49%, respectively, compared to the previous month.

Over the next year, Fox News Latino’s goal is to increase video production. A new Nielsen report finds Hispanics are “ahead of the digital curve,” noting they adopt smartphones at a higher rate than any other group and watch more hours of online videos on their phones than the average American.

Since launching in 2010, The English-language site has been expanded to include several sub-sections, most recently a “Money” section, which was added last year. With the help of the Fox News brand, the “Opinion” section has gotten contributions from several high-profile Hispanics, including Congressman Luis Gutierrez, former U.S. attorney general Alberto Gonzalez and Fox News anchor Geraldo Rivera, who is a frequent contributor to Fox News Latino.

