FNC At 10: Stories Between The Coasts

By Brian 

One of Fox News Channel’s “most successful strategies may have less to do with politics than with populism,” the LAT’s Matea Gold writes. “We’re always looking for stories that do not cling to the two coasts,” John Moody says. Here’s a recent example:

  Jay Wallace, executive producer of news, suggested readying a feature story on the finances of an “everyday, middle-class” person to run if the Dow hit a record high that week, as expected.

The Los Angeles bureau offered to do the story out of Silicon Valley. Moody didn’t hesitate. “No, we’ll go somewhere else for that, thanks,” he said briskly.

The Chicago bureau noted that one of its correspondents, Steve Brown, was in Iowa.

“I think that’s almost a godsend,” Moody said approvingly.

Two days later, the channel was ready with a piece about factory workers in Des Moines. The banner at the bottom of the screen: “Blue Collar Americans Not Benefiting From High Dow.”
