Bill Maher Responds to Sean Hannity

By SteveK 

You may have been memorializing on Sunday (or just on the beach) so here’s your Reliable Sources update:

Howard Kurtz led a panel discussion on cable news’s prime time partisanship. “President Obama is routinely bashed on Fox News Channel and just as routinely defended on MSNBC, where the Republicans are often portrayed as the villains,” said Kurtz. And of his own network: “CNN, by and large, tries to play things down the middle, with liberal and conservative guests taking each other on.”

Baltimore Sun columnist David Zurawik, who described Keith Olbermann as “a cartoon version of Edward R. Murrow,” said, “That model works for MSNBC and Fox because they don’t have to cover news when they don’t want to.”


“This is not good for society,” addeds Lauren Ashburn of USA Today Live.

Later in the show Kurtz interviewed HBO host Bill Maher, who talked about his audience as the “limousine liberal crowd.” Maher then responded to comments made by FNC hosts Sean Hannity and Greg Gutfeld about him. (Maher had to be told who Gutfeld was, first.)

Click continued to see Sunday’s show (with the cable network conversation at 11:45 and Maher interview at 24:00)…

Embedded video from CNN Video
