TV companies that have created new StumbleUpon channels

By Natan Edelsburg 

StumbleUpon recently announced a major overhaul that will allow brands and personalities to create content channels. “For example, users can now tell StumbleUpon to feed them information about specific brands, such as Audi, instead of a general topic such as cars or ask to be steered to the best material from a particular website, such as,” explains AP. Even our own Cory Bergman’s BreakingNews made headlines by becoming the first curated StumbleUpon news channel.

With Google+ and Twitter both joining the long list of social platforms with brand pages, it’s a smart move for StumbleUpon to join in. More so, this will give TV companies yet another chance to curate. After about 15 minutes of stumbling, here’s a small list of TV companies we found testing the waters with StumbleUpon’s new channels. Let us know if we missed any and we’ll add them.


A&E has already earned 1,454 followers.
BIO has earned 1,103 followers.
CNBC has 1,519 Followers
CNN has 3,374 followers
ESPN’s SportsCenter has 1,351 followers
The Food Network has 2,562 followers
History has earned 3,093 followers.
Lifetime has earned 926 followers.
Adult Swim has earned 761 followers.

A+E Networks’ four major channels seem to be leading the wave in this new curation. BIO for example has started using their channel to curate links to clips of mini-bios of different individuals they’re featuring.
