Ooyala Launches Anti-Ad Blocking Plugin

By Karen Fratti 

ooyala homepageThere’s no longer any way to avoid seeing ads in our newsfeeds. Twitter announced autoplay video today, promising that brands won’t have to pay if the video isn’t seen. The videos will be silent by default until a user clicks on them to open in full screen, with sound. It’s all about getting people to engage more meaningfully (and money. Lots of money) with video content. Today, video analytics and ad serving platform, Ooyala, launched new adtech, too, to help advertisers get as much out of their video content as possible. The plug in is an anti-ad blocker that also better targets audiences and sequences ads for storytelling purposes.

Jonathan Wilner, vice president of product at Ooyala says:

This is a major step forward for Ooyala customers as we weave our ad tech into our widely adopted personalized video platform. It provides an entirely new value-add for our customers as they begin to see how key components of our advertising technology stack can impact audience engagement and improve profitability when used in conjunction with our video platform.


Anti-ad blockers are all the rage these days. Apple announced last week that it was going to add anti-ad blocking functionality to its mobile browsers. It’s like an arms race between advertisers and viewers. Viewers don’t want to watch ads until you force them. That’s why that Geico campaign works so well. With better technology from platforms, it forces video creators to make better content, so it’s a win win all around.
