Will Bugliosi Help Impeach Bush?

By Ethan 

Vincent Bugliosi, author of the bestselling book The Prosecution Of George W. Bush For Murder (Vanguard Press)is appearing today before the House Committee on the Judiciary’s Hearing – “The Imperial Presidency of George W. Bush and Possible Legal Responses.”

According to CNW (I thought our neighbors to the north would be a bit more impartial):

“If George Bush, as I believe, took this nation to war in Iraq on a lie, causing catastrophic repercussions on a scale far larger than the horror of 9/11, what should we, as a nation, do about it?” asks Bugliosi. On Friday, Bugliosi will present evidence to the House Committee on the Judiciary that he believes proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bush administration knowingly misled the nation into war. Bugliosi will site documentary evidence that proves the administration knew Hussein was not an imminent threat, yet told the nation the exact opposite in its criminal effort to convince Americans of the need to go to war.