What’s Next for Business Reporting Books?

By Jason Boog 

ron23.jpgAs the publishing market is flooded with books analyzing the stock market crash last year, smart writers are asking, “What’s the next big story?”

Today’s guest on the Morning Media Menu was Bloomberg Markets editor Ron Henkoff, discussing the future of business journalism. Henkoff explained how his monthly magazine has helped preserve the art of investigative journalism, outlining the most important financial stories for journalists to cover–a valuable road-map for business journalists looking for new book projects.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview: “In an age where there is infinite information everywhere you turn, we feel there is a real need for (and a real market for) in-depth journalism. A lot of organizations have retreated from that … Municipal finance seems to be one very under-covered area of journalism that is important to virtually every citizen of the United States. How do banks finance schools and fire departments and so forth? We’ve looked into that in-depth … It’s a story about finance, but it’s a story that affects every citizen.”