Union Blasts Departing NYT CEO’s $4.5M Consulting Gig

By Jason Boog 

A union leader attacked the New York Times for authorizing a $4.5 million one-year consulting gig for departing Times CEO Janet Robinson.

Allied Printing Trades Council of New York president Arthur DeIanni issued a blunt statement: “The Times likes to slam CEO excess, until they are the ones doing it. It is offensive to the hard-working men and women who make sure the Times is ready for delivery to millions of people throughout the NYC metropolitan region that the board of the Times would give Janet Robinson a $4.5 million golden parachute while offering a 26% pay cut to middle-class Times workers.”

DeIanni is the president of New York Mailers’ Union Local 6, a union representing 170 Times employees that help deliver the newspaper–they are currently negotiating a new contract. The president added that a Times editorial from September 2010 criticized the same practice in other companies: “It is clear that C.E.O. pay has skyrocketed while workers’ pay has stagnated; it is also clear that skewed pay and rising income inequality correlate to bubbles and crashes.”