Twitter Resets Following and Follower Lists to Zero; Handy Twitter Directories to Cope

By Jason Boog 

followers.jpgIn a dramatic move (most likely to fix a problem), Twitter has reset many Following and Follower lists to zero. GalleyCat’s 5,500 followers have evaporated along with the rest of the Twitter-sphere’s follower lists.

UPDATE: The following/follower situation has returned to normal.

If you need help rebuilding your following list for Twitter, we’ve assembled a number of helpful Twitter lists for the publishing world.

The Best Publicity & Marketing Feeds on Twitter
The Best Book Reviewers on Twitter
The Best Book Editors on Twitter
The Best Publishing News on Twitter

Gizmodo has more details about the problem that led to the reset. Twitter explained the glitch: “Follow bug discovered, remedied. Read our status blog for details.”