This Week in AMS: Recovery for Freese, NBN Still in the Hunt

By Carmen 

The dust may be settling on Perseus winning the auction to take over PGW publisher contracts, but the turmoil hasn’t stopped. Before getting to that, let’s wish PGW President Rich Freese a speedy recovery after he fell on stairs at his home Sunday night, breaking three ribs, an elbow and possibly damaging his hand. The good news, according to Shelf Awareness, is that there were no spinal or neurological injuries,
according to friends. He has had some difficulty breathing because of the broken ribs and asthma but may be released from the hospital as
early as today.

Meanwhile, Radio Free PGW is doing a yeoman’s job of staying abreast of every new development (and we’re hoping they don’t shut down on March 7 as threatened, but understand why this may be so.) Read on for their thoughts on PGW’s rejection offer of non-consenting publisher contracts (which they deem “mean-spirited and spiteful” and “a blatant attempt to strong arm and punish non-consenting publishers”) NBN’s still-standing 85 cents on the dollar offer for non-consentings, and why it’s bad news to be an AMS employee at the moment with the expected bloodbath at the ready in the wake of its impending buyout from Baker & Taylor , if no objections are filed with the bankruptcy court by February 28.