The ULA, Potty-Mouthed

By Kathryn 

duchamp.jpgLast Thursday, I linked to “Hot From My Pockets,” a ULA parody with a public-restroom-quality (visualize: unfortunate things floating) potty mouth. ULA-ers, judging by the hate mail sent to GC over the weekend, didn’t like the fact that I posted to it; or, at least, that’s what I understood their letters to be saying. Most of the letters, unfortunately, required some nasty street drugs to follow:

To: Galleycat
Subject: Good one with the anti-ULA blog PR!

It reflects well on you. It’s going to get a LOT of traction. I sense a winner here. The future looks bright for you guys, MFAers and The Stodgy. Oh yeah! It’ll all start working. Someone will remember what you and your heroes have done! Yeah, you’ll make a mark. Can’t you feel it? –The shift from being a nonentity to someone: you’re making great strides. You’re on the right path and backing the right horse. Oh yeah!

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duchamp.jpgLast Thursday, I linked to “Hot From My Pockets,” a ULA parody with a public-restroom-quality (visualize: unfortunate things floating) potty mouth. ULA-ers, judging by the hate mail sent to GC over the weekend, didn’t like the fact that I posted to it; or, at least, that’s what I understood their letters to be saying. Most of the letters, unfortunately, required some nasty street drugs to follow:

To: Galleycat
Subject: Good one with the anti-ULA blog PR!

It reflects well on you. It’s going to get a LOT of traction. I sense a winner here. The future looks bright for you guys, MFAers and The Stodgy. Oh yeah! It’ll all start working. Someone will remember what you and your heroes have done! Yeah, you’ll make a mark. Can’t you feel it? –The shift from being a nonentity to someone: you’re making great strides. You’re on the right path and backing the right horse. Oh yeah!


From: Galleycat
Subject: Re: Good one with the anti-ULA blog PR!

Hmm. Don’t follow.

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duchamp.jpgLast Thursday, I linked to “Hot From My Pockets,” a ULA parody with a public-restroom-quality (visualize: unfortunate things floating) potty mouth. ULA-ers, judging by the hate mail sent to GC over the weekend, didn’t like the fact that I posted to it; or, at least, that’s what I understood their letters to be saying. Most of the letters, unfortunately, required some nasty street drugs to follow:

To: Galleycat
Subject: Good one with the anti-ULA blog PR!

It reflects well on you. It’s going to get a LOT of traction. I sense a winner here. The future looks bright for you guys, MFAers and The Stodgy. Oh yeah! It’ll all start working. Someone will remember what you and your heroes have done! Yeah, you’ll make a mark. Can’t you feel it? –The shift from being a nonentity to someone: you’re making great strides. You’re on the right path and backing the right horse. Oh yeah!


From: Galleycat
Subject: Re: Good one with the anti-ULA blog PR!

Hmm. Don’t follow.


To: Galleycat
Subject: Re: Re: Good one with the anti-ULA blog PR!

The PR for the anti-ULA blog that says it out-ULAs the ULA is doubly embarrassing for you. First, someone goes there and sees the poopy and thinks, Huh? Then they recall that you said it outdoes us using our own method and again they go, Huh? Lastly they think, Oh, I get it: feeble, pointless, scaredy-cat spite against a stand-up, focused campaign of expose’ and revival! I get it! –But Galley doesn’t come out very well. Clearer?

Clear as crack cocaine. What makes this exchange especially heady, though, is the fact that — according to Pockets’ IP address — ULA spokesman and Orlando Hotpockets (a psuedonym? Never would have guessed!) are one and the same.* Which brings to mind (again) my long-held theory that the ULA is not a literary rebellion, but a very long, intricate piece of Andy Kaufman-inspired/Dadaist/Duchamp-ian performance art, albeit with intententions no more lofty than your kid brother’s on a long family car trip — i.e., to annoy the shit out of you, or anyone else unlucky enough to be in its audience.

*Thanks go to ROR’s Ed for that bit of detective work.