The Return of

By Kathryn, before it closed shop*, might not always have been fair, but at least it dispensed its (purportedly) unfair attacks democratically:

In an interview yesterday, Mr. Cordle said that while the unveiling of his identity was the immediate cause of his decision to close the Foetry site, he had been planning to do so “for about a month” because of frequent requests from his wife.

She, it turns out, is a poet – Kathleen Halme, who in September 1994 won a poetry contest managed by the University of Georgia Press, the Contemporary Poetry Series, one of the contests that Mr. Cordle has railed against as corrupt.

*Update: Seems the NY Times article, quoted above, got it wrong. Or, wanted to prove the article wrong, because — according to the site’s homepage — Foetry’s already jumped back inside the ring:

Foetry! We missed you. Why did you come back? It’s the biased and poorly researched article in the New York Times declaring a surrender. Reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West flying through the sky, “Surrender Foetry.” You can thank Foets, Janet Holmes who has threatened me with legal action, and Jorie Graham, who said that I lied. Well, Foets, the site’s back up and I stand behind the information here. — Alan Cordle