The Art of Rushing Jeremy Lin

By Jason Boog 

Today Timothy Dalrymple landed a book deal with Hachette Book Group’s Center Street imprint to write Jeremy Lin: The Reason Behind the Linsanity. Publisher Rolf Zettersten acquired the book and publication is set for May.

Here’s more from the release: “The book will chronicle Lin’s high school, college and early career in the NBA with particular emphasis on the media explosion surrounding his success as starting guard with the Knicks.  It will explore how Jeremy’s Christian faith, family, education and cultural inheritance have contributed to his success.”

Yesterday, author Alan Goldsher teamed up with Vook to “assemble and publish” Linsanity: The Improbable Rise of Jeremy Lin in a mere 72 hours.

The novelist recounted the experience of rushing a Jeremy Lin book:

When the Linsanity started in earnest, my literary agent, Jason Ashlock of Movable Type Management, and I began emailing back and forth about all things Jeremy, and last week, he asked if I’d be willing to take a crack at a book. I had to be convinced, because I knew it would require a crazy amount of work crammed into a short period of time, but as a storyteller and passionate NBA fan, I figured it would be a fun, gratifying challenge. I spent about 24 hours chained to my computer, watching video clips and scouring the Web and Lexus-Nexus, after which I spent the next 48 hours cobbling everything together into what I hope is a cohesive, enjoyable whole. (Yeah, I slept, but not much.) With eBook technology, I was able to keep adding material up until 24 hours before publication, which was why I could discuss his wonderful game against the Mavericks.