Tami Hoag and Ted Kennedy Books Star in Apple’s Academy Award iPad Commercial

By Jason Boog 

Apple iPad fans around the country were watching television last night to see in the company would run an advertisement during the Academy Awards. The company ran the ad embedded above, featuring two iBooks titles–Tami Hoag’s novel, Deeper than the Dead and Ted Kennedy’s memoir, True Compass.

The Kennedy memoir is published by Hachette Book Group’s Twelve imprint and Hoag’s novel is published by Penguin’s Dutton imprint. The advertisement’s hypothetical user had eclectic tastes: shuttling between books, the NY Times articles about Florida, photos of kids, snowboarding articles, Google Maps pictures of Paris, and Star Trek.

What do you think? Will this new device save publishing? Or will this manic multimedia experience lure readers away from books? Read more at eBookNewser.