Snooki’s Simon & Schuster Video Stokes Debate

By Jason Boog 

In a new book video, Jersey Shore star Snooki visits Simon & Schuster and delivers tips from Confessions of a Guidette.

What do you think? As you can see, the video brings Jersey Shore-style makeup and mayhem to the major publishing house. The longer director’s cut version has been removed. Above, we’ve embedded the original.

As of this writing, the original version has earned 1,900 views on YouTube, counting 11 likes, 20 dislikes and a few comments. The comments were brief: “I’ve just witnessed the death of Western Civilization.” and “Oh dear God, she should not be allowed near a book.”

Over at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books Sarah Wendell wrote: “I’d like to think I have a relatively well-functioning sense of humor, and I’m all for goofy videos, but this just made me cringe. I noticed that the subtitles only identify the women by their job titles, and not by their actual names. Why is that? Are they already celebrities within publishing culture that we’re supposed to know who they are?” (Via Jane L.)

Editor’s note: This post has been updated as the story evolved.