Seven Stories Press to Launch Kidlit Imprint

By Maryann Yin 

Seven Stories Press will launch a new children’s books imprint called Triangle Square Editions. The imprint’s inaugural list of four books will be released this fall.

According to Publishers Weekly, the first list will include fiction and nonfiction titles for middle grade and young adult readers. Publisher Dan Simon revealed that Triangle Square will publish books for “a variety of age groups” in the future. Follow this link to view the catalog.

Here’s more from the article: “The imprint’s name comes from a park located off of Seventh Avenue in New York City, which has since been renamed. And, as Simon points out, the number of sides of a triangle and a square add up to seven. Beyond that tie-in, Triangle Square shares a deep connection with Seven Stories’ adult list; both have strong social justice and narrative components. Triangle Square’s tagline emphasizes this: ‘telling personal stories of courage and commitment.'”