Scribd Transitions to HTML5

By Jason Boog 

btn_logo_red_122x44.gifYesterday Scribd announced their full-scale transition from Flash to HTML5. This new programming language will make Scribd content available across a larger swath of mobile devices, especially the iPhone and iPad.

Scribd co-founder Jared Friedman had this statement: “Publishers benefit from HTML5 tremendously … The distribution of their content across the social web and mobile platforms becomes virtually automatic — no technology barriers between them and their readers, no need to build native mobile apps, an ability to easily insert multi-media or advertising into their content. The possibilities are endless.”

With the update, you can now read the April edition of GalleyCat Reviews on your iPhone while shopping for books or browse through the Best Book Reviewers on Twitter list while tweeting on your iPad.

See our complete Scribd page here.