Sarah Palin and Other Freelance Authors Ponder Tax Day

By Jason Boog 

palinbook23.jpgYesterday freelance author Sarah Palin told a crowd of passionate tea party members: “We’ll keep clinging to our constitution and our guns and religion and you can keep the change. Because the voters are coming”

Since most readers of this site didn’t earn $12 million dollars through book deals and speaking engagements, the April 15th tax day is a tough day for most self-employed writers in the audience. Here are a few more sympathetic links to get you through it.

The Urban Muse has an open thread for freelance writers paying taxes.

Add your tax day stories in the comments for a post tax-day round up. The NY Times has an alternative tax form that all the freelancers in the audience can appreciate.

On Twitter, Bookgirl96 meditated on her taxes: “A moment of silence for my bank account, please. I just mailed my tax payments.”

Carina Press executive editor Angela James tried to crowdsource her taxes: “What I would like is for someone to offer to pay my taxes for me. You know you want to!”

Finally, Andrea Brown Literary agent Jennifer Laughran got stuck in line: “In retrospect, today was probably not the day for a post office run. The line is out the door, all the way to the bakery!”