Richard Scarry Birthday Links

By Jason Boog 

Happy Birthday Richard Scarry! To celebrate the famous kid’s author’s 94th birthday today, we’ve rounded up our favorite Scarry links below…

1. Arrested Development by Richard Scarry

2. Richard Scarry’s Google Doodle

3. Best Word Book Ever Covers: 1963 vs. 1991 Covers

4. The Busy World of Richard Scarry on Netflix Streaming

5. USS Enterprise cameo during The Busy World of Richard Scarry‘s “A Trip to The Moon” episode

6. “In honor of Richard Scarry’s birthday today, the staff at Family Fun hid that rascally Goldbug throughout our June issue.”

Over at Google, Mike Dutton posted about the creation of a Scarry Google Doodle from 2011. Check it out:

I had a lot of fun working with the folks at Random House — including one of Richard Scarry’s actual art directors, as well as his son, Huck — to create an original pencil and watercolor piece depicting Busytown. There is so much going on in Busytown that I thought I’d show a few closeups here as well as talk about the process … Scarry’s technique allowed him to work pretty loosely with his watercolors, and he’d frequently paint off-register, that is, not quite up to (or way beyond) the line drawing. This gave his illustrations an even more lighthearted quality. In our case, it’s Richard Scarry’s Best Google Doodle Ever!