Reddit Opens Pens & Stationery Exchange

By Jason Boog 

Reddit has opened a gift exchange for scribblers everywhere, connecting writers who want to share pens and stationery with other print lovers.

Read our What’s Your Favorite Kind of Pen? post for inspiration. So far 1,676 people have already signed up for the exchange. Here are all the details:

  1. Sign up for the exchange
  2. On May 13th, 2013 we will close sign ups and our computer program will choose who you should send a gift to (this is the most important part, this is about the giving!)
  3. Once you come back here to pick up your match’s information, you’ll have until May 24th, 2013 to ship your gift. When you ship it, keep a receipt and come back here to tell us you’ve shipped it. If you buy your gift through the redditgifts Marketplace there’s no need to keep a receipt or mark it shipped, we’ll keep track of all of that for you!
  4. When you receive a gift, you’ll need to come back here and post an amazing thank you note, hopefully with photos!