Reading While Green: Is the NYPL’s Battery Park City Branch the Library of the Future?

By David 

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A new public library opened in Battery Park City on March 18 and the Times devoted a thousand words and a slide show to it last Friday.

In case you missed the article, here’s the key paragraph: “Instead of the comforting mustiness of older libraries, the whole space is filled with oxygen and light, streaming through floor-to-ceiling windows and bouncing off the blond wood floors (made from lumber salvaged during the manufacturing of window frames, thank you).” The whole 10,000 square foot place–funded in part by Goldman Sachs, its neighbor–is a showroom of repurposed material, right down to the old-truck-tire carpet.

The Times poses a few questions about state-of-the-art technology and the strange choice of location, but, bookish that we are, we’re more interested in hearing about some other standout library branches in the States. The Rem Koolhaas-designed Seattle Public Library comes to mind (see picture). But surely there are more. So tell us about them: Where can you find the coolest, greenest library?