Publishing Twitter Lists, Part One

By Jason Boog 

twittercrash.jpgBuilding Twitter lists is like tumbling down a Lewis Carroll rabbit hole: bumpy, seemingly bottomless, but ultimately, enlightening.

In an ongoing effort to make the GalleyCat Twitter feed more user friendly, we are building a few fancy new Twitter lists that will break the hundreds of publishing posts we read every day into curated, easy reading collections. The archiving process is taking longer than we anticipated, but here are the first lists. They are not comprehensive, but they will be–with your help. Send @GalleyCat a message to add your favorite feed to the appropriate list.

For a look at publishing’s future, check out the Best Digital Book Twitter Feeds. For a look at publishing’s socially-networked present, check out the Best Publisher Twitter Feeds. For an inside look at book deals, check out the Best Agent Twitter Feeds. Finally, check out the collected Twitter wisdom of the speakers at the upcoming eBook Summit.

Tune in tomorrow for the Best Book Publicity Feeds, the Best Writing Advice Twitter Feeds, the Best Publishing News Twitter Feeds, and the Best Author Twitter Feeds.