“Pillory Hillary”: Book Industry Gets Hillar-ious

By Kathryn 

hillarybook1.jpgUSA Today surveys the upcoming spate of books “pillorizing” Hillary Clinton. Here, a quick guide to the most watched-after releases:

June The Truth about Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President Edward Klein Sentinel
August American Evita: Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power (paperback edition) Christopher Andersen Avon
October Condi vs. Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race Dick Morris & Eileen McGann ReganBooks
TK The Case for Hillary Clinton Susan Estrich ReganBooks

Readers may have already noted that the only pro-Hillary book on this list comes from ReganBooks, the imprint of supposedly conservative Judith Regan. (Or, as friends told Vanity Fair: Regan’s “to the right of Genghis Khan.”) Nevertheless, Regan describes herself as “sick and tired of all the Hillary-bashing books.” Nevertheless2, ReganBooks is also putting out Condi vs. Hillary, co-written by a man PW‘s Sara Nelson describes as a “well-known troublemarker” with an “ax to grind.”