Osama + Humor = Success

By Carmen 

Who would have thought that Osama Bin Laden would figure in Britain’s bestselling humor book of the year? More to the point, why did it take so long for someone to publish an Al Qaeda-esque parody of WHERE’S WALDO? So no wonder Borders reports that WHERE’S BIN LADEN is selling out in record time. In this version, published by New Holland, you have to find the Al Qaeda leader and his henchmen. Sometimes there are weapons to find, such as a scimitar or a bundle of dynamite.

Borders also has no qualms about stocking a book some might see as being in dubious taste. Alistair Spalding, ITS marketing executive, said: “We believe in the basic right of our customers to choose what they want to read, listen to and buy. Our customers are intelligent, curious people who enjoy exploring all types of books, films, and music. Some of the thousands of books and music selections we carry and events we hold could be considered controversial or objectionable depending on individual political views, tastes and interests. However, Borders stands by its commitment to let customers make the choice.”