NY Observer‘s Books Reporter Leon Neyfakh Changes Beats

By Jason Boog 

New York Observer logo.gifNew York Observer publishing reporter Leon Neyfakh has shifted beats, moving from the book world to the art scene–marking the change with a new article about a Georgia O’Keeffe exhibition.

During his publishing reporting days, Neyfakh profiled celebrated novelist Rivka Galchen, carefully tracked the state of Rob Lowe’s memoir, and covered one of publishing’s darkest days. GalleyCat caught up with the publishing reporter to find out more. Neyfakh explained: “I’m going to be covering the art world, which means I’ll be writing about museums, galleries, collectors, and more. In general I love knowing and writing about how cultural institutions work and the people who run them or otherwise come into contact with them.”

At the same time, Neyfakh stressed that he wasn’t abandoning the publishing beat altogether: “I don’t know how often I’ll write about publishing but I think it’ll be pretty regularly. I’ll definitely do it if big important events occur, like if that detective Hachette hired figures out who leaked Ted Kennedy’s book to the Times or Brian Murray decides to start a new non-fiction division at Harpercollins.”