New York Public Library Hosts a Garcia Lorca Exhibit

By Maryann Yin 

The New York Public Library is hosting a special exhibition honoring Federico García Lorca at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. “Back Tomorrow: Federico García Lorca / Poet in New York” opened on April 5th and will run until July 20th.

This free program features the manuscript for Lorca’s Poet in New York, drawings, photographs, letters, and mementos. Fans of the Spanish poet can also attend various “Lorca in NY” lectures, workshops, and events. Here’s more about the exhibit:

In 1936, the poet left the manuscript of Poet in New York on the desk of his Madrid publisher with a note saying he would be ‘back tomorrow,’ probably to discuss final details. He never returned…The book was published posthumously in 1940, but the manuscript mysteriously disappeared, lost to scholars for decades. The Fundación Federico García Lorca in Madrid and The New York Public Library exhibit it now for the first time…