New Hunter S. Thompson Adaptation in the Works

By David 

A story Hunter S. Thomspon wrote for Vanity Fair in 2004 has been optioned for a feature film, reports the Hollywood Reporter.

The original article, “Prisoner of Denver,” was co-written by Thomspon and Mark Seal, a VF contributing editor. (Read the beginning of it here.) It focuses on Lisl Auman, a Colorado woman who was handed a life sentence, without parole, for a murder she clearly did not commit. Auman wrote to Thompson from prison, and he took up her cause, enlisting Seal to help. Auman was released in 2005, a month after Thompson committed suicide.

The Hollywood Reporter says the producers “are looking for writers to adapt the material, with a focus on Thompson and Seal acting as a couple of gonzo Woodward and Bernsteins.” No actors or directors have signed on yet. Another opportunity for Johnny Depp to do his thing, readers? Personally, I’ve always wanted to see Bill Murray reprise his role in Where the Buffalo Roam.