Marcel Proust Versus Artificial Intelligence

By Jason Boog 

At the Slackstory blog, one writer tested the artificial intelligence of chatbots by giving them a personality survey made famous by novelist Marcel Proust. It’s fascinating to watch a computer-generated personalities grapple with such classic questions as “What is your idea of perfect happiness?” and “On what occasion do you lie?”

Follow this link if you want to see how Proust answered these questions. We recommend visiting the chatbots Cleverbot, ALICE and Clownfish for Skype today–it is the perfect way to spend a slow summer afternoon at work. Visit the Chatbot directory to meet more online robots.

Here’s more from Slackstory: “Loneliness and alienation are hallmarks of modernity, but scientific researchers knew that talking to other people is terribly underwhelming, so they developed Artificial Intelligence. Now when you’re alone, you can open your laptop and have conversations with automated robots instead of people … We wanted to get a true snapshot of what makes these contenders tick, so we went the Vanity Fair route and gave them the Proust Questionnaire.” (Via Reddit)