Likelihood this book will earn out: zilch

By Carmen 

The auction continues for former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s memoirs continue, and if the NY Post’s Keith Kelly is to be believed — and remember, that’s why these things are considered to be in “NY Post Dollars” — the bidding’s climbed up to $8 million and beyond for the proposal. If this keeps going it could top the second-highest advance of all time, given to Pope John Paul II in 1994 for his memoir, “Crossing the Threshold of Hope.”

The question, is why is so much money being thrown around? One unnamed publishing exec gives Kelly a good reason. “Some books are bought for their sex appeal and some are bought simply for bragging rights,” the exec said. “This one is about bragging rights.”

Suddenly I have a strange urge to go get my faded and torn copy of ALL I EVER REALLY WANTED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN…