James Patterson’s Advice on Writing

By Dianna Dilworth 

jamespattersonBestselling author James Patterson doesn’t consider himself the best writer in the world, but he will admit that he’s a very good storyteller.

In an interview with Fast Company Create, the top selling author in the world shared a number of his tips on writing a page turner. One such tip is to write how someone might tell a story. He explains in the interview:

I think what hooks people into my stories is the pace. I try to leave out the parts people skip. I used to live across the street from Alexander Haig, and if I told you a story that I went out to get the paper and Haig was laying in the driveway, and then I went on for 20 minutes describing the architecture on the street and the way the palm trees were, you’d feel like “Stop with the description–what’s going on with Haig?” I tend to write stories the way you’d tell them. I think it’d be tragic if everybody wrote that way.