J.A. Konrath Earned $100,000 In 3 Weeks with Self-Published Titles

By Dianna Dilworth 

Author J.A. Konrath bragged on his blog that he had earned $100,000 in the last three weeks from his self-published titles on Amazon. (This doesn’t include any of his legacy sales or legacy titles).

Here is more from his post: “Currently, my novel The List is #71 on the Top 100. It’s been in the Top 100 for 66 days. It’s the same one all those publishers rejected. I am soooo glad I had so many books rejected.”

eBookNewser has more: “Despite the fact that the holiday retail season is over, Konrath is still doing well this month. In fact, the author says he has is averaging ‘well over $3,500 a day’ for January.”