iPad Meets the Publishing Industry

By Jason Boog 

ipad23.jpgWe’ve tried to keep coverage of the Apple iPad under control this week, but here’s a round-up of our best tablet publishing content. Tune in tomorrow as we join eBookNewser and WebNewser in covering the release of this new device.

We studied the future of enhanced eBooks with Enhanced Editions co-founder Peter Collingridge and Canongate digital editor Dan Franklin.

eBookNewser took a poll: Will you buy an iPad?

WebNewser looked at major media outlets with iPad apps.

The Morning Media Menu looked ahead to “iPadurday.”

We looked at how the iPad will change story time for children.

eBookNewser introduced the first guy in the iPad line.

We showed you eight ways to win a free iPad.

eBookNewser found one online publisher who was unimpressed: “Traditional Media are ‘Distracted’ by the iPad; If it Succeeds, They’ll Just Become ‘Steve Jobs’ Bitches'”