Hundreds of Writers Pool Agent Complaints

By Jason Boog 

new-logo copy.jpgFollowing the success and notoriety of QueryFail Day–when agents and editors shared stories of pitches that failed–the BookEnds Literary Agency opened a forum for writers to express complaints about agents anonymously.

So far, more than 250 writers have added their thoughts. Among the highlights: “Show the same respect and courtesy to writers that agents expect. e.g. Don’t make rude or snide remarks about writers or their work, especially in public forums like Twitter.”

Another writer added: “When an agency sends you a letter saying “Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read [TITLE OF BOOK] I regret that…” Proof reading rejection letters and entering our titles is appreciated.”

And finally: “Complaining how overworked you are and then spending massive amounts of time on Twitter and every other blog out there while clients’ MS and also requested partials are left unread month after month, after month.” (Via Janet Reid)