How Writers & Publishing Professionals Can Network on Twitter

By Jason Boog 

Do you want to use Twitter to connect with other writers or publishing professionals? To start with, you should explore our collection of Twitter Directories for Writers & Publishing Professionals.

Next, AllTwitter published a list of 7 Ways To Network More Effectively on Twitter, a great resource for all our readers. The site also offered resources for writing a killer bio and choosing the right profile pictureHere is an excerpt:

Don’t make newbie mistakes: One way to send potential connections running for the hills is by making some common newbie mistakes on Twitter. Here are some mistakes you should avoid if you want to maintain that professional sheen on you Twitter account:
Unprofessional (risqué, unrelated, blurry, etc.) profile picture
No bio
Uneven follower to follow ratio
Too self-serving
Too few/too many updates