How To Post Your Novel on Book Country

By Jason Boog 

At BEA 2011, we caught up with Book Country community manager Colleen Lindsay, collecting tips for writers who want to join the genre writing community.

If you want to explore other writing communities, check out eBookNewser’s Digital Writer Spotlight feature.

First, read and review three pieces of fiction on Book Country before posting your own work. It is required that all readers follow this rule to maintain “a community built around reciprocity.”

Next, craft a strong hook describing your book in two or three compelling sentences. Potential readers will decide about your book based on this brief description. Visit the hook discussion board for help crafting these sentences.

When in doubt, consult “A Regular User’s Basic Guide to Using Book Country” by R. J. Blain.

Also explore the genre map, Book Country’s “Periodic Table of Genres.” Read the description of your genre carefully and read the books listed under your genre–it is very important to post your work in the right place. You can always change your location on the genre map.

You can write negative reviews, but include thoughtful and respectful feedback. Remember that Book Country is “a positive place where writers can feel safe. You will get kicked out for launching personal attacks, ganging up on a writer, or selling your services on the site.

Finally, when posting, be sure to tell other writers what kind of feedback you are looking for in your story. Below, we’ve collected books located in specific peer review categories in Book Country–a powerful tool for editing your novel.

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