How to Keep Writing with Children

By Jason Boog 

tori_patterson.jpgThis post is for all the parents in the audience. How do you manage to write with children around the house? Last night at Story Prize ceremony, finalist Victoria Patterson discussed her short story collection Drift with Story Prize director Larry Dark–offering some unconventional advice.

During the wide-ranging literary discussion, Patterson (pictured, via Chris Patterson) admitted she considered using the title “Shark Island” for her collection, except “it sounded like a ride at Disneyland.” Patterson will receive (along with finalist Wells Tower) a $5,000 award. Author Daniyal Mueenuddin won the $20,000 prize.

Patterson offered this unique tip for making time to write with kids. “I dropped them off at church day care,” she said. “Then I’d ditch church and go write.” I’d get three hours of writing. People thought I was very religious.”

How do you write with children? Add your advice in the comments for a future post.