How One Cellphone Novelist Scored a Book Deal

By Jason Boog 

13+to+LifeDelany.jpgAfter drafting a cellphone novel about werewolves on, author Shannon Delany managed to score a book deal with St. Martin’s Press for her 21st Century tome.

Over at InkyGirl, Delany explained how the book evolved from a mobile phone creation to the full novel, 13 to Life. The interview featured cellphone novel drafting tips and explained the unusual way Delany met her agent.

Here’s an excerpt: “The Textnovel version of 13 to Life took me five weeks to write (posting two short sections most days, morning and early evening). Then it was an additional month to flesh it out so I was generally satisfied. After copyedits I think the debut novel in the series is right around 370 pages (a far cry from the original cellphone novel which was probably around 50 pages).”