GalleyCat on The Takeaway

By Jason Boog 

takeawaylogo.jpgWe woke up extra early to talk mass market paperbacks and eBooks on The Takeaway this morning.

Follow this link to listen to the three-minute radio segment. This GalleyCat editor pondered the future of the mass market paperback with the District of Columbia Library’s director of library Services, Nancy Davenport. We discussed everything from Barnes & Noble to the importance of book blogs like Dear Author or Smart Bitches, Trashy Books.

Check it out: Dorchester Publishing has decided to change its printing schedule, focusing first on e-books, followed by a print-on-demand run of paperbacks. The question is: will this be the trend for paperback book publishers to follow?”

If you are looking for more airwave action, we also do a weekly eBooks segment on Kari Moran’s BookRadio Show in Los Angeles–check out the latest podcast here.

Editor’s Note: Just to clarify, the romance blogs mentioned in the piece don’t actually hand out eBooks–they lead discussions and provide a community space for these new readers.