Free Workshop To Teach Teens eBook Making Skills

By Jason Boog 

In the 21st Century, high school kids can use technological literacy just as much as traditional literacy.

The Professional Association for Design (AIGA/NY) will offer New York students a course in building iBooks and apps. AppNewser has more details:

The pilot weekend course taught Harlem students the basics of coding, robotics, and graphic design with a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and three workshops: Make a Mobile App, Electronics Prototyping with Little Bits, and Be a Graphic Designer.

Watch the AIAGA/NY’s events page for more details.

According to Mashable, the group will focus on Apple digital books next: “The next series, in collaboration with the Brooklyn Public Library, will show participants how to make their own iBook using archived text.” What other kinds of eBook skills would be useful for teens?