Free Dictation Software for Writers

By Jason Boog 

dragondictation_icon2.pngThe first draft of this post was dictated using the free Dragon Dictation iPhone app last night. While this GalleyCat editor strolled home and talked into his iPhone, the program automatically transcribed the words you are reading.

The uses of dictation software seem endless for writers: you can dictate your notes, emails, Tweets, Facebook post, or novel straight into your smartphone. Is anybody else out there using dictation software to write? Share your stories…

You can use Dragon on your Blackberry or your desktop computer. Here’s more about the iPhone app: “Dragon Dictation is an easy-to-use voice recognition application powered by Dragon NaturallySpeaking that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages. In fact, it’s up to five times faster than typing on the keyboard.”

UPDATE. Reader Luna Louise asked a very good question: “That’s pretty neat, but what I want to know is what the first draft looked like before editing.”

Here is the complete and unedited dictated first draft:

“The first draft of this post was written for dictated rather using Dragon dictation software on this Kelly cat editors iPhone well I walked down the street looking like I was talking in my phone is really drafting a post that this program was transcribed the possibilities for writers seem endless as you can put e-mails and Facebook posts using this software anybody else out there using dragon software or dictation software to write would love to hear from you”