Free Books About Death & Grief for Families

By Jason Boog 

As families around the country cope with the unfathomable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, Beacon Press is sharing free copies of books about grief and death.

Here’s more from the publisher: “To help families, teachers, counselors, and others who are having conversations about death and grief in the wake of this tragedy, Beacon Press is offering free copies of Talking About Death: A Dialogue between Parent and Child and Living When a Loved One Has Died both by Dr. Earl A. Grollman. We hope these resources will help everyone affected begin to heal. Simply choose one or both books and submit your shipping information by Wednesday, December 19, 2012. Books can be shipped within the US only.”

We’ve also collected a list of library books to help kids talk about the tragedy and linked to online resources for parents and caregivers.